Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Orientation...and the rest of my life...

I got up yesterday morning only to discover that there were some problems with my financial aid at UK. I'm sorry, UK, but I can not afford to pay my tuition without financial aid. I'm not that loaded. Hopefully though, I have that back on track. Now if I could only get logged into my student email account...

Anyway, so after doing my daily shenanigans at home, I headed out a wee bit early to Richmond. I had some running to do before my orientation. Dad doesn't have any checks yet (thank you slooooow check order people) and so I had to transfer some funds to my account so we could pay the bills. Oh joy of joys. I just LOVE dealing with the banks. I also managed to finally get over and get my cousin Ashlee's birthday present. I had meant to do that last week (you know, when her actual birthday took place) but as with everything else in my life at the moment, I'm a day late and a dollar short.

After all that I headed on up to Lexington.

Now, I've driven in Lexington before, but I like to keep it simple up there. I go from one shopping place to the next shopping place, but I never, ever, ever venture into downtown Lexington. I'm too big of a chicken. Sure, sure, I've driven in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Antonio. I've sailed through Dallas, Houston, Austin, Atlanta, and New Orleans. But for some strange reason, I get just a wee bit nervous at the thoughts of Lexington, KY. Go figure.

So after several encouraging texts and phone calls from friends, I made it to UK's campus. No accidents. No foul language. No threatening horn blasts from other drivers. All was well with the world.

After walking around helplessly trying to find the conference room I settled in with a really dry turkey sandwich and some fruit and waited for the learnin' to commence. A few hours later and a lot of blah, blah, blah, yakety, yakety, yak later, I was more than ready to hit the road and head on in to work. Trust me, getting the heck outta Lexington is much easier than getting the heck in!

I did learn a few things from my MSW Orientation though: 1.) UK charges ridiculous prices for crappy parking. 2.) Sadly, I did not escape "clinicals" when I dropped out of nursing school. I have to have three semesters of the social work equivalent of clinicals. 3.) Social work professors are super long winded.

Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm a Big Girl Now

Today I took my first step towards complete independence. Okay, really, if you want to get technical, I've been working every summer since I turned 12 and I've had a full time job every year since I was 17. Sure not all those jobs were ones that the government could tax (I work for cash, I have no shame), but it was still work. Technically speaking I've been paying for my own bills and buying my own food (except when Mom cooks, because let's face it, I don't care how old you are or how independent you become, there is nothing in the world like your Mom's home cooking - not if you are Southern anyway), for 11 years now.

It is a common misconception that just because I still live at home, my folks pay all my bills. This has been a bit of a sore spot to me through the years. I've always had part-time or full-time jobs while attending college and still managed to pull off a 3.5 GPA, thankyouverymuch! But people have made comments throughout my life that have caused my already usually ill temper to flair in a matter of seconds.

I don't like for people to think I can't take care of myself. So, for example, when someone suggested my Mom use my silver Cavalier several years ago without asking me first, because "you and Eddie pay for it anyway", it kinda rubbed me the wrong way...because, guess what? They didn't pay for it.

The only time my parents have ever been out any money on a vehicle for me was when I got my first car at 16. Dad bought my Aunt's 1987 Ford Tempo for $500. I drove the poop outta that car until I started paying payments on a 1999 Chevy S10. That's right. Me, myself, and I paid the payments on that truck. Paid the insurance too. Paid for it anytime it had to go to the car doctor (automechanic in non-April terms). Same goes for the silver Cavalier I drove (until I wrecked it) and the white Cavalier after that (until it completely gave out on me).

Sure, sure, Mom and Dad banded together to get the white one because after the silver one was gone I was car-less for about 3 months and I needed a way to get back and forth to school. But guess what? That $1,800 they spent on the car? Within a month, I had paid them back in full. And Cherry Darling (again...she died due to a wreck) and even Maisy (my current love), I pay for those as well. So all this amounts to is that it is a sore spot with me when someone either a) presumes to tell me how I should spend my money and b) assumes that someone else is "keeping me up."

BUT...the problem is that I still live at home. It doesn't matter how much land I am in debt for or how hard I've worked to get my little house fixed up. It doesn't matter if I help pay bills at the house or if I pay all my own bills. Because I still live under my Mom and Dad's roof, society doesn't see me as nearly as independent as I could be. Maybe society is right. Maybe not. I don't care much either way, but what I do care about is moving out on my own because I'm tired of driving 100 miles everyday to work. Yes. One Hundred Miles. 50 miles up there and 50 miles back from my family home. Five days a week. Plus, in a week or so I'll also add another three days a week to Lexington for classes.

Anyway, there are a lot of reasons to finally bite the bullet and move out on my own, but I've already gone off on enough tangents here and griped about enough things, so I'll not bore you with those. Instead, I will tell you about my new apartment. :-) Its small but I'm excited about it!!!

Its a one bedroom deal about five minutes from work and about two minutes from I-75 which will take me to school in about 30 minutes. Much better travel time than living in Jackson County. I have two large windows in my living room (which is the biggest room in the apartment), but not much of a view. I can see my bank, Wendy's, the bypass, and all that jazz from the windows, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. The apartment used to be an office of some sort. One of my windows still has the smudgy imprint of some random business name stuck to it. I'm hoping that the maintenance folks can get that cleaned off nice and pretty before I move in. Its carpet, so I'm gonna have to get a vacuum cleaner...especially with two cats moving in with me. I was tickled to be able to bring my critters. :-)

There is a small room with two doors that I am certain is really a closet, but I intend to make that the bedroom, because I don't want my largest room to have a bed taking up all the space. My living room is for entertaining and studying and all that jazz, not to have random people that have nowhere else to sit, putting their nasty feet in my clean bed. I'm weird about stuff like that. I'll let my hairy cats sleep in the bed with me, but Heaven forbid someone's dirty feet be under my covers. Ugh. Gives me shivers just thinking about it. Anyway, so the closet will become my bedroom. Its big enough I should be able to fit a full size bed in there and possibly a chest of drawers or something along those lings.

I have a tiny cute kitchen. No cabinets on the walls but plenty of cabinet space on the bottom. The cabinets need some contact paper or something put in them. I mean, they probably don't actually NEED it, but I feel like it needs it and I intend to put it there. Later, I may put up some shelves to sit glasses and whatnot on, but for now I'm not worried about it.

Beside the kitchen is a small bathroom with a door. The toilet and sink are in there. The shower (and here my friends is the tricky part) is outside the bathroom. Its in the middle of my dining room. Yeaaaaahhhh.

When you first come in the apartment, there is a small room and I intend for that room to hold my kitchen table. So its my dining room. The tricky thing is that when you open the front door, the door knob, if left to swing aimlessly, will actually hit the side of my shower stall. So...not only do I need a shower curtain, but I also have to put up something that will hide the shower stall a bit. Its weird, but I find it quirky (or at least that is what I'm telling myself), and so I guess it suits me fine. :-)

Just be warned...if you ever need to shower at my place, you need to either a) have a large towel or bathrobe handy to hide you from your walk from the bedroom to the shower or b) not be ashamed of your body.

Whichever works for you, works for me.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Party @ My Crib

As some of you may already know, I will be moving out in a few short weeks. (FINALLY!!!) I'm headed to the big city of Richmond (well, to be fair, anything is BIG compared to Gray Hawk) or quite possibly, Lexington. At the moment I am apartment hunting like crazy and already packing up for the impending move.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family and there are things about Jackson County that I absolutely LOVE with all my heart, but its finally come to the point that I really just have to move. Have too. I've been working in Richmond for over a year now and although the drive isn't the most pleasant thing in the world, I have managed it pretty well (I mean, as long as other drivers don't decide to run over top of me, which, mind you, has happend twice in my travels to work). The winter time is always a little chancy. I never know if I'm going to get snowed in at Gray Hawk or Richmond. I have family in both spots (and a few spots in between), but I hate feeling like a bum when I have to sleep on someone's couch. :-( But the main reason I have to go ahead and suck it up and move NOW is because I'm starting graduate school soon. I have classes three days a week in Lexington, plus my regular five day work week. Quite frankly I'm not willing to be on the road that much. I mean, I love to drive, but only when its somewhere fun. :-)

So, I've decided to find a little apartment of my very own. True, I have a house that I've been trying to fix up for a few years now, but I've finally come to terms with the fact that its not going to get finished anytime soon and besides, unless I can magically transport Adkinstown to the middle of Madison County, then its really not going to help me in my travel time either way. So...since I am terribly excited to finally pack up my belongings and my two cats (Bart and Emmie will be coming with me...and quite possibly so will Angus, so it may be three cats), I thought I would give ya'll a glimpse of what it will be like in my new Bachelorette Pad. Stop by for a visit anytime you like. :-)

Things You Will Find in My New Apartment:
1. A bean bag. Just one, but one is enough. Yesss, I realize I'm too old for bean bags, but I can't help it. I love them and its my apartment and dang it, I will have one if I want it.
2. The Sims 2 and my computer. Its the only video game that I really actually play. It entertains me on dreary days. I can't help it.
3. Books. Piles and piles and shelves and shelves of books. I intend for there to be books in every room and hidden in every corner possible. I love books.
4. Magazines such as "Bust", "Bitch", "Ms.", "Supernatural" (the show...obviously), "Progressive Farmer", and "Mother Earth News". Be prepared to be bombarded with feminist, environmentalist, farming, and fangirl wonder.
5. DVDs. Lots of DVDs. I like movies. You can come watch a movie with me anytime you want. Promise.
6. Beer. 'Nuff said.
7. Fresh flowers. All the time...fresh flowers.
8. Pictures of front (and back) porches. I love porches and apartments don't really have them, so I'll make do with what I can.
9. My Dad and my Aunt's cedar chests. I'll be using them as tables. They store stuff, they are antiques, and they are just full of awesome. They just are.
10. Other old family stuff. I have a picture of my Uncle Leonard and a white pitcher that are pretty old and will be making the journey with me. As well as an old afghan that some random family member of mine crocheted together way back when. Quilts that my Great-Aunt made and a couple of wardrobes that have been in the family for years. None of this stuff has any value to anyone else I'm sure, but they have extreme value to me. If I decide they have so much value that I don't want them in the apartment (you know, in case someone accidently ruins them) then they will be stored safely away back at the place they came from...HOME.
11. Pictures of family and friends. As well as pictures taken BY family and friends. I know some purdy talented photographers out there and I will frame their work and hang it on my walls.
12. A painting my mother did back in high school. Yes its some sort of Native American chief and I have no idea who it is or why she painted it, but I've kept it all these years and its time to finally frame that bad boy and hang it up somewhere.
13. Cats. As well as assorted cat items.
14. Did I mention beer?
15. A signed photo of George A. Romero. I don't have this yet, but I will get it in November and it will be framed and hung up for the world to see.
16. A framed portrait of Wonder Woman. Yes. I said Wonder Woman.
17. Music.
18. A treadmill. You know, cause everyone needs an overpriced coat rack. ;-)
19. A television without cable. I only need it for movie nights, folks.
20. Beer. Or did I say that already?

So see, the only thing missing is Y-O-U and I do indeed expect visitors throughout my time at my new abode. Stop by any time folks. As my welcome mat says, "We're so excited to see you, we don't know whether to pee in the floor or tear up the couch." :-D

Friday, August 13, 2010

Pre-New Year Resolutions

Everyone I know makes New Year's resolutions, only to break them around the second of January each year. This year, I've decided to make my resolutions a wee bit earlier. These aren't actually resolutions mind you, but things that I want to accomplish between now and August of next year. We'll see how it goes...

1. Give John Goodman a hug. (Because he just looks so huggable. This may not be too far fetched either, I hear he lives in New Orleans and I go there every year.)
2. Meet George Romero. (He's gonna be at Scarefest this year!!!)
3. Go to ComicCon.
4. Learn to crush a beer can on my forehead.
5. Learn to juggle.
6. Ride on a unicycle. (Even if its only for a few seconds.)
7.  Finish up a few semesters of Graduate School with at least a 3.5 GPA.
8. Go on a road trip all by myself and don't tell anyone where I am.
9. Go to Disney World.
10. Sky dive.
11. Bungee jump.
12. Move out on my own. (FINALLY!!!)
13.  Join a roller derby team.
14. Dye my hair completely blue.
15.  Babysit for each of my friends and family at least one day...for FREE!!!
16. Climb a tree.
17. Find a church that I actually like attending.
18. Get my bar tending license. (Even if I never use it.)
19. Get a few more tattoos.
20. Write a short story that is worthy of publication.

So that's it for now. No typical resolutions like losing weight or whatever. Where's the fun in that? Nope, these are my resolutions. I think I can manage.