Thursday, September 24, 2009

Too Many Flowers

Let me start by saying this: I am pro-choice. No I don't want to have an abortion...not ever. I don't ever want to be in a situation where I have to make a choice like that. I love children and babies. I think life is precious. I think every child is a blessing, even ones that don't come at the best of times or ones that have health problems. But I am pro-choice. Abortion is a hard decision to make for most women. Or at least that is what I think. But it is a decision that each woman has to make on her own. I won't judge. I would take all the free babies in the world if I could, but I can't. And some women just don't want kids or at least don't want the ones in their womb at that time. But I think of it as their decision, not mine. Instead I pray that they all make the right decision...whatever is best for them and what they can live with.

Now. That's out of the way. Let me say this too.

I think adoption is a wonderful thing. There are lots and lots of little children, teenagers, babies...all over the world that need nice and loving homes. Those children would be a blessing to any family, anywhere. I'm a strong supporter of putting unwanted babies up for adoption. Mother Teresa once said, "Saying there are too many children, is like saying there are too many flowers." (or something along those lines) and I agree with her. Children are a beautiful blessing upon the world. I know there is an over-population problem. But that is why family planning and sex education is so important. That way, perhaps, we can eliminate some of these "unwanted" pregnancies before they even happen. That's my opinion anyway. But for those children that are here and need a home, then adoption is an amazing thing! But as I said with abortion...I try not to judge.

But life is a gift if you choose to receive it and enjoy it. And children are blessings. And that is why I want to be a Mother so badly, that I'm willing to get artificially inseminated. I would do adoption, but the laws being the way they are, its extremely difficult for a single gal such as myself to adopt. It costs a great deal of money and I may not be allowed to adopt anyway. So I've chosen this route.

The point behind this blog however, isn't necessarily me and my journey, instead this is a comment on others.

I know quite a few pregnant ladies right now. Some of them blogging away on here.

My friend Brandon and his wife, Nikki are expecting their first child next year. Its a girl. I'm not sure on a name yet, because I'm not sure they know what they are going to be naming her. All I know is I have to buy pink stuff for them. That's fine by me. :-)

I already have pink stuff bought for my friend, Tabby and her hubby, Harold. They are expecting a new addition to their little family in December. Her name is Molly. And we are all excited to meet her. I'm in the process of planning a Birth Blessings party for Mrs. Sams (our friend Hattie is helping me) as we speak. I'll be sure to post a blog about Birth Blessings for you all to read later on, since not a lot of people are familiar with such a thing. I'm happy for Tabby because now she has a wee little miss to go with her big boy, Mikey. I'm sure he's going to be a super big brother as well.

My cousin Ashlee and her husband, Daniel are expecting their first child in February. They found out yesterday that it will be a little girl. Ashlee told me last night that they would name her Isabella and call her Bella for short. I will be Bella's Godmother. I'm excited, nervous, and very, very happy. And I know that if it works out to where Bella's Godmother gets to be in the delivery room when she makes her grand appearance in the world, then the Godmother will surely cry like a big, fat girl. But some things are worth the tears. I go tomorrow to buy Bella a car seat. I also have to help plan Bella's baby shower and Bella's Mommy's Birth Blessings party. Bella is a handful already! But a very much blessed handful. :-)

My other cousin, Travis and his wife, Melody, are expecting their second child shortly. Their first baby, Lily Raine, will be a big sister (although she's not very big right now, she turns one year old next month) to a bouncing baby boy. Travis told me a few weeks ago, that the name for said boy child will be either Whitley or Mason (but he's hoping for Mason). So congratulations to them. I have a few boy items tucked safely away in a cedar closet and I will be happy to buy a few more to take to Breathitt County for a gift for the wee one.

There are babies everywhere right now. And I have baby fever myself. But I have to wait. Which is distressing but I'm sure the right decision all the same.

That being said, there is also sad baby news.

My friend Amy and her husband Adam, found out just the other day that they had lost their wee little one. There was no heartbeat when she went for her checkup and so the doctor had to do a D&C. My heart goes out to them. My prayers too.

My other cousin, Emily and her husband, Danny, have had to withstand two heartbreaking miscarriages. The most recent one this past May. Its been very difficult on Emily. And she still struggles with it. Especially since she knows most of these same people that I do, that are currently expecting bundles of joy, and it makes it difficult for her to be there and fully participate in their happiness. I understand this. They understand this. Its just how life is sometimes. Life is never fair.

My Aunt had a miscarriage roughly 8 years ago, before she had a successful pregnancy with her daughter Summer. Summer is a blessing that just turned 7 this year. But my Aunt will tell you that even now, all these years later, she sometimes wonders about the other baby. She wonders what it would have been, what it would have looked like, the things it would have done. And I suppose Amy, Emily, and any other woman who has ever miscarried or lost a child, will always wonder such things.

I wanted to blog about these things today because it is a very up and down time emotionally in the world of babies. People are pregnant and healthy. People are pregnant and cautious. People have lost little babies that they thought and hoped were snug and safe in their tummies. People are trying and trying to have little ones. Or are giving up and taking a different route. There are women like me that are going to attempt our own way of doing things. Life is like that.

Life is a beautiful gift if you so choose to accept it. Don't waste a second of it. Don't ever doubt that you are blessed in some way. Love your life or change it until you do love it. And if you have a wee one of your own (or a not so wee one) then give them a hug today. A kiss. And tell them you love them. And when they are mean (cause all children are at some point in time), discipline them as you see fit, but do it with love. Do everything you do with love. Cause life is short, unfair, and can be quite brutal at times. So don't waste a second of it. And love everyone in it.

God bless you all. :-)