Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving & Black Friday

First of all, I hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you ate way too much and took way too many naps. :-)

I had a normal Thanksgiving with my kinfolk in Tyner, Kentucky. Good food...especially the peanut butter pie. If you've never had peanut butter pie, then you need to rush out right now and get some. Trust me. You will not be disappointed.

I came home to dirty dishes and laundry that had to be brought in before it rained. The biggest surprise of the day though was bear poo in the front yard. That's right. B-E-A-R poo!!! I knew for the past couple of days I had been hearing something outside rummaging around. One night it scared me quite a bit even because I heard it walking through the leaves and it sounded WAY too big to be a dog. I was afraid to look outside to see what it was even...guess now I know. A bear!

Ah well...I won't be participating in the Black Friday events today. I did one year and I'll never, ever do it again. I don't care what they are selling or what deals they have, I will never go shopping on Black Friday ever again.

So good luck to all ya'll shoppers. Have fun. Be safe. Don't get pissed and kill any other shoppers...remember, its only "things" and "things" are not important. Not ever. Just people are important. So don't go biting the fingers off the chick that gets to the digital camera quicker than you or anything like that. :-)

Take care all!