Monday, January 18, 2010


There are a great many changes going on in my life right now and before I forget them, I thought I should post them here.

I unfortunatly won't be able to get on here quite as much as I have been. I make it a point to check here every day to see what others have posted, even if I don't have anything to say at the moment. I love reading everyone's blogs...especially all the Mommy Blogs!!! They are all so sweet and it makes me so excited and anxious about when I become a mother myself one day.

That brings me to the first big change.

This was originally started to document my path to artificial insemination. Since that time however I've changed my mind. I'm not counting out artificial insemination altogether mind you, but I'm counting it out for the time being. I'll be 28 in May and I would very much like to have at least one little child of my own by the time I'm 30. So I've decided to wait on the artificial insemination thing until I turn 30.

There are a lot of reasons for that. Some of them very personal and involving other people in my life (or rather, people that were in my life but aren't anymore) and so I'll not go in to details here. I will say though that over the course of 2009 I've grown and changed as a person. Some of the changes are very visible to those that know me well enough and some of them are not. In fact, some of them I still struggle with myself. There are times when I feel like two different people and like I'm being pulled in two different directions. Times when I look in the mirror and don't even recognize myself anymore. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I know that it has to be an improvement from the person I was last year. One of the things that I think I've improved upon is my personal faith. I don't want to go into details over spirituality or have some sort of religious debate with people I barely know or don't really know at all, but I will say that 2009 was a year of faltering faith with me. 2010 is not going to be that way. Late in 2009 I started to come to terms with certain things, events, and people in my life and I started to look at it all through a different set of eyes (so to speak) and through a long, difficult process, I began to heal. Through that process I found my faith again. When I did, I decided that I would put off artificial insemination for another couple of years. Try to give God time to help me have children the way He/She sees fit and not necessarily how I see fit. So no artificial insemination until 2012. :-)

Other than that, you can expect more blogs about traveling. I have a big trip planned for this Summer. My friend Cilla and I are going to be driving across the country to California. Expect lots of photos and funny stories from that trip. Cilla is a wee bit goofy like me and so we usually get in to some pretty strange situations when we travel together. Plus I sooooo need the vacation! I'm so excited for July to get here so I can hit the open road. Wish me luck!

I joined The Biggest Loser of Madison County again. So far I'm doing really well. I lost 3 pounds the first week. I probably won't blog about that too often simply because it lasts until December 31, so I have an entire year to lose the weight. The goal is to lose 60 pounds. I actually think I can pull off a bigger loss than that. So we'll see.

The weather in beautiful Kentucky is finally starting to warm back up. That means I can get to work on my little house, plant a garden, plant some flowers (I want to draw in as many butterflies as I can this year), and practice skating. I still want to try out for a roller derby team in October, so I need to get REALLY good at it.

Other than that, well, I'll be a Godmother sometime between now and next month. That's super exciting. I can't wait to meet little Bella (whom I think I will call "Bella-Bonita"...I've been going back and forth on nicknames for her, but I think Bella-Bonita is a keeper).

That's about it for now. I really feel good about this new year. Last year was a stinker!!! I hated it. There were only a few shiny bright spots in the year for me. Otherwise it was awful. I'm glad to see it behind me. :-)


rachel.lyn said...

well, i for one, look forward to your posts about your trip!!! a cross country trip sounds like sooo much fun. i almost went on one several years ago with my sister & my best friend (tampa to CA.), but i bailed on them because i had just gotten married and i didn't want to be away from my hubby! haha...looking back i wish i had gone and created those memories with them...! HAVE FUN!

and don't hate to much on 2009...from the looks of it, it would seem as though it has helped you grow into the person you want to be!

Anonymous said...

I still struggle as if I am two people trying to be one :)