Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Viva Las Vegas (Day 3)

Day three found us on the road to Las Vegas.

Nothing much to report there. Long stretches of straight highway and pretty much clear of traffic. Actually, if you are planning on heading out West this summer, be advised that they are doing some road construction out that way. We ran into a lot of that, but nothing that held us up for very long.

I was a little concerned that traffic would be bad because I've heard that it can get pretty thick between California and Vegas, but we didn't have any problems at all. In fact, it was an uneventful trip until we came over a hill and was greeted with some HUGE hotels and casinos that seemed to just pop outta nowhere.

Mom took photos from the car, but most of them were no good at all and the truth is, by the time we made it to our hotel I was way too tired to go out and about and take photos. I wish I had, but I just couldn't do it anymore. The drive wore me out. I must be getting old. :-P

We found parking really easily and it was free. I was flabbergasted with the ease of parking in Vegas. Equally flabbergasted with how easy the streets are to navigate.

We stayed at the Stratosphere which is the hotel/casion that is super tall and kinda looks like a needle with a spaceship on top of it. The hotel was like a mini-city. Shopping, food, gambling, shows, movie theater, and even thrill rides at the tippy top. When Mom and I made it to the observation deck that night, there was a place where you could bungee jump off the top of the tower. Of course I was ready, willing, and able to get in line for that! But my Mother threatened my life and to physically tackle me to the ground right there in front of God and everybody if I even so much as inquired about the jump. So to keep from causing her to have a heart attack, I decided not to jump.

At least not until next time. And there will be a next time because I really, really want to go back to Vegas.

I'm not interested in gambling but I do want to see the rest of the city. I want to see some shows. I want to see some Elvis impersonators. I want to do all that...but no getting married. Well...I WOULD get married in Vegas, don't get me wrong, but I just don't want to wake up married to a stranger. So I'll have none of that thank you very much.

Mom and I behaved ourselves. "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" need not apply to us. We shopped. We looked out at the observation tower. We saw a country band perform. We gambled all of five bucks between us. Just basic things for one night in Sin City. It was nice though and like I said, I'd like to go back someday. I think everyone should go to Vegas at least once.


Coeternally said...

Of course you're going back. You're taking me, remember?

Mama Kayla said...

No GAMBLING?! Why not?