Monday, June 14, 2010


Note: Please do NOT tell me what is wrong with my Father's health. Yes, he has high blood pressure. Yes, he needs to go to the doctor. No, I can not do anything about this. He is a Nunn male. Nunns have a tendency to NOT go to the doctor when they should and the male members of the family are the worse ones for that. He knows he should go, but he won't. I can't do anything about that. I've talked to him repeatedly, but it doesn't work. If I thought something I could do or say would make him go, then believe me I would do it, but it will NOT work. So please, do NOT add extra worry to my life by telling me how unhealthy he is or isn't. It frustrates me. It worries me. And to be honest, I don't need that...because I worry enough as it is. Thank you!

Now that THAT is over, I will say this...

This weekend is Father's Day and this weekend my Dad will be far, far from home for the first Father's Day since he became a Daddy 28 years ago.

Dad took a new job. He lost his dairy farm last year due to circumstances beyond his control and since then, he's been unemployed. We were fortunate enough that when he sold the cattle he had enough extra money left over to be able to pay the mortgage and some other necessary bills while he was "in between jobs." That money is running low however, so when my cousin B.J. offered him a chance to come work with him, Dad took it.

The only real issue is that he will be gone for seven weeks at a time. Not just gone a little ways away, but gone to various different states...hours and hours from home. Dad has never had a job quite like this before.

I'm glad that he's back to work. I think it is a job that he will enjoy. I've inheritated that gene of wanting to do work outside from my Father. So I know how hard it is to be stuck in doors all the time. He is not a factory working kinda fella to say the least.

I am also very thankful that B.J. was able to get Dad on at this job. Dad has been unemployed for quite some time, but its not from lack of looking for a job. The economy is bad right now, especially if you are unemployed, have only a high school education, and are just shy of turning 50. These are traits my Dad possess and employers are unforgiving when they look at an application and see those things. So thanks to B.J. for taking Daddy along.

But we are gonna miss him around here. Its funny how quickly you miss someone and what it is that you miss about them. Its also funny that my Father would be the one to leave before me. :-) But I assure you if he had any other choice he would have stayed closer to home.

I guess I'm officially the "man of the house" now, since I'm the oldest and the only other "man" in the house is my 14 year old brother. So, note to anyone that thinks they might be able to get by with more since the big, scary intimidating hillbilly man is no longer here: Ummm...sorry about your luck punk, but I may be little and a chick, but I'm just as mean as my Daddy. He raised me well and the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree.

So anyway, this weekend is Father's Day and Daddy doesn't know it yet, but I'm keeping tabs on him each night. Saturday morning, once I find out where he is exactly, Mom, Dillon, and I are loading up in my car and heading out on a weekend road trip. I don't know how many hours we will have to drive, but we are going to go spend the Father's Day weekend with my Dad. We'll leave my Aunt and our cattle dog, Rosie in charge of the house while we are away and we will surprise my Pops with a visit from his kids and wife on his holiday.

In the meantime, please, no disrespect, but those of you that keep telling me all these really negative things about my Dad, read the NOTE at the top of the blog. 'Cause honestly, I don't want to hear it anymore. It does no one any good. Ya'll know how Daddy is anyway and all ya'll are doing is causing me more stress and aggrivation. Now that I'm the man of the house, I really don't need that anymore. ;-)


Mama Kayla said...

I think he'll like the job! Good for him! Of course, if he doesn't, he can always quit and come home. :-)

Laura said...

Don't listen to anyone, your dad is a big boy and can take care of himself...and you know if he was in any kind of bad shape, bj would rat him out!!! I won't spill the beans on your trip, but I hope you have a great one!!!! He will be really glad to see you guys! Keep me posted!