Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Legend of the Pink Feather

When I was a small lass, my cousin Betty wrote a story for me and her daughter, Ashlee. As I recall, it was the first day of school and Ashlee was nervous and scared and I never liked going to school when summer was over, so we were both having a hard time accepting the new school year. In order to calm our anxiety, Betty wrote a story for us. Ashlee brought it on the school bus, along with a single pink feather. Now, I may be mistaken on this part, there may have been two pink feathers and at some point in the day, one of us lost our pink feather and that left just the one to fuss over. Regardless, there ended up being only one pink feather. One pink feather to be shared between two small girls. It was trouble waiting to happen. Especially after we read the story (or rather, I read it to Ashlee, since she was too little to read) and decided that of course it was a true story! Anyway, we fought over that feather like you wouldn't believe. We held grudges for years against each other because each one of us believed that pink feather belonged to us. We still got a long just fine, but at different points through the  years, if you mentioned a pink feather (ANY pink feather) there was a "knowing look" that passed between us. No malice mind you, we don't hold grudges that long with each other, but we did know what a pink feather meant.

When Ashlee was pregnant with my Goddaughter, Bella, some of us got together and had her a Birth Blessing. As part of the blessing festivities we made a keepsake box for Bella. The idea is to put something personal in the box for the baby-to-be and as the baby grows into an adult, you (or he or she) will add items to the box. I added two pink feathers. Sure Bella was only one baby, but instead of one feather, there were two. If I had of had the paper that Betty wrote the story on, I would have added that too. Through the years Ashlee, Betty, and I have all forgotten the story of The Legend of the Pink Feather. I thought I had lost the paper with the story written on it. The legend would be gone forever and in its place was our own legend (one acted out by Ashlee and me throughout the years) about two little girls on bus 104 fighting over a single pink feather.

The other day, while going through some things from my old room in my parents' house, I found a folded and tattered piece of paper. Written in blue ink across the top of the page were the words "Read to Ashlee too". It was Betty's handwriting. I knew instantly the treasure I had just found. So without further ado, I present to you "The Legend of the Pink Feather" as written by my cousin Betty way back in the late 1980s.

Have you ever heard the legend of the pink feather? It goes like this. A long time ago before the white man came to America, there was a most beautiful Indian princess. Her name was Moon Dove. She was loved and cherished by all her people. She had the kindest and purest heart of all.

One day a young Indian brave fell deeply in love with Moon Dove. In order to prove his love was true, he went in search of a special gift for Moon Dove. After many months of searching high and low, he saw the gift he wanted to give her. It was two pink feathers lying high on a rocky cliff.

He climbed the dangerous cliff and started to pick up the feathers when the wind blew them over the edge. He grabbed for them and tumbled off the cliff. Sure and certain death awaited the young brave if he hit bottom. But suddenly the two feathers each fell into his outstretched hands. As if by magic he was lifted back up to the rock safe and sound.

He quickly returned to the village and gave the feathers to Moon Dove. He told all the people what had happened. They named the feathers "Lucky Feather". Moon Dove and the brave were married and she always wore the pink feathers in her hair. Her and her family were always lucky. Their lives were always filled with joy and happiness.

Even though these feathers probably aren't the original ones, maybe they will bring you girls luck and happiness. Here is one for you and Ashlee.

Good luck.