Monday, October 31, 2011

Bedtime Story

So this is the last of my Halloween inspired spook stories and this one is completely made up...although I'm pretty sure I believed it when I was a kid. I used to beg my Mom to tell it to me each night before bed because apparently I loved having nightmares. This story should also help explain my childhood fears of monsters under the bed, in the closet, in the basement, and the toilet. ;-) Enjoy and hope ya'll have a very Happy Halloween!!!

There once was a little boy that lived in a big house with his Mom. The house had a huge, dark, spooky basement and the little boy was always very, very afraid to go into the basement. He would cry and throw a fit and when his Mom asked him why he was so afraid, he would tell her, "The boogeyman lives in the basement and if I go down there, he will get me."

Finally at her wits end she took the little boy to a child psychologist. After talking to him about his silly fear of the basement, the psychologist told the Mother, "The thing for you to do is force him to face his fear. When you get home, lock him in the basement. No matter what he says, do not let him out until he's calmed down. Once you have shown him that there is no boogeyman, then his fear will be over and your life can go back to normal."

That evening when they got home, the Mother did as the psychologist told her and promptly locked her young son in the basement. As she stood on the other side of the locked door she could hear him crying, screaming, and begging her to let him out. "Please Mommy! Please, let me out! The boogeyman is here and he's going to get me!," he'd yell from his place at the bottom of the steps. But she remembered what the psychologist told her and she was determined to help her son face his fears.

After a little while her son became silent and she decided it was time to let him out of the basement. When she opened the door she couldn't see him at the bottom of the stairs. So she walked down to have a look around, thinking that maybe he was hiding somewhere. What she found at the bottom of the stairs sent chills through her. Where her son had been standing was a pool of blood.

She never saw her son again. The boogeyman had gotten him.

The End. :-)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Old House - Tonight's Story

Tomorrow I plan on telling a tall tale that I used to beg my Mother to tell me every night before bed (because I'm weird that way...even when I was a child). Its completely NOT TRUE, but in order to keep with the spirit of things, I wanted to share one more true story with ya'll. This one involves the old white farm house that I used to live in.

At least I think it was our farm house...I grew up thinking it was a different old house in McKee, but as I got older I was told it was indeed our old house. Regardless of where it took place, it still happened to the people involved, so I thought I would share it.

Personally, I think that land sometimes holds memories. Not just our memories but the memories of those that have gone on before us. Both good and bad memories and both good and bad people. This could possibly explain why a brand new home could be haunted. I mean, the house is freshly built, so there would be no past tenants to worry about. The question would be, who lived on the land before the new house. So, I think its important to understand a little bit about my home before we continue.

As family legend would have it here's the basics about where I live. The land used to belong to Preston Adkins (hence the name of Adkinstown for the entire road in Gray Hawk). He got it due to his service in the Union Army during the Civil War. Pres was my Mamaw Mae's Grandfather (my Great-Great Grandpa in other words). Things being as they are, Pres eventually lost the majority of Adkinstown due to a variety of things. Now people who aren't part of the Adkins family tree inhabit Adkinstown. Pres is buried in a cemetery at the top of the hill from my house, where most of my other past family members are buried and where I intend to be laid to rest one day.

Below my house are some caves. These caves have been fashioned into homes. Homes that we have all always assumed were done so by some Native tribe many, many years ago. Probably even before Pres got the land. My Aunt's now ex-husband used to go there and dig up lots and lots of arrowheads.

From the top of the hill (where the cemetery is located) on down to the end of the road are Nunns. Its been that way for over fifty years. The only neighbor that isn't a Nunn lives below the hill at the very end of the road. He's the son of a distant cousin. From the top of the hill on, isn't primarily relatives but we do have relatives up there. Relatives from the Adkins side. So basically, its a family road. Just to kind of give you an idea.

Anywho...from the top of the hill down was owned by my Grandparents, Bob and Mae, for many years. My Mamaw's people lived in Perry County where her Daddy was a coal miner before they loaded up and moved to Preston's land in Jackson County. I'm not sure if Pres gave the land to her Daddy or if they bought it, but when Mamaw and Papaw decided to settle on the farm, they bought it from Mamaw's Daddy (I can't think of his name at the moment - this makes me terribly ashamed because I used to keep up with all this family stuff). Mamaw and Papaw deeded off the farm to their children before they passed. Throughout the years, some of the children have sold their holdings to folks outside of the family, but from the top of the hill down, it has primarily stayed within the family tree. The land holdings now belong to an Aunt, two Uncles, two cousins, my Dad, and myself.

At any rate, I just wanted to point out that the land, for well over a hundred years have belonged to my family in one fashion or another. Prior to that, I'm assuming it was wild country where the "Indians" lived or at least passed through on a regular basis. So the entities (for lack of a better word) that "haunt" the area must in some way have a close tie to the land. I'm assuming its past family members for the most part and that's why I don't really worry too much about the strange things that seem to happen in the area.

Now...on to tonight's story.

When my Aunt Ida was a young girl she had a sleepover with some of my cousins (cousins that were her nieces, but were close in age to her...because when you come from a family of eleven children, at some point the generational lines are going to blur). They were all nestled into one bed for the night and trying to go to sleep but it was storming outside and they were a bit spooked. It didn't help matters any when the lights went out in the house. To further complicate things, while the lights were off they felt the end of the bed sag as if someone had set down on it. They never heard or saw anyone entered the room prior to that and they would have noticed with the door being shut and all, so they had no idea who might have decided to share the bed with them.

Raised up in bed, they all looked towards the foot of the bed at their visitor trying to make out features in the darkness. About that time lightening struck outside the window, illuminating the room. In the split second of light they saw a woman sitting on the end of the bed. As Ida explained it, "She had wild looking hair that was just sticking up all over her face. She was really old and scary looking and she was laughing at us." When the light faded, so did the woman. The girls were too terrified to get out of bed, so they all covered up under the blankets and screamed until someone could come to the rescue. They never saw the woman again.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Red Eyes - Tonight's Stories

Now that we are back in Jackson County for our tales, I'll share a couple that don't take place at my house or even on my road. These take place in the Annville area.

When my Mom was about five or six, her Aunt Doris lived in a house out in Annville. Luckily, its not the house she currently lives in. This one was a lot smaller and it was blue. Mom used to go over there and spend the night with her cousins because her Mom would go stay at Doris' when her husband was out on the road for his trucking job. Mom slept in the room with her cousins, Linda and Ruth, and they would both make her sleep on the outside edge of the bed.

One night she awoke to the sound of scratching under the bed. Being a brave little gal like she was, she decided to see what was making the noise, so she flipped her head over the edge of the bed and looked into the darkness. Looking back at her was two large glowing red eyes. It terrified her. She jumped up into the middle of the bed and started to scream at the top of her lungs, waking everyone in the house. She was so scared, in fact, that the only way her Mom could get her to calm down and stop was to slap her across the cheek. She refused to sleep in that room the rest of the time that Doris and her kids lived there.

Even though she didn't sleep in the room anymore, she still liked to play in there. One day she was sitting by the toy box in the room and happened to glance over beside her. The toys in the box began to move and a hand, came out of the middle of the box. Obviously she was horrified again and ran away screaming. No one was hiding in the box and they took all the toys out to show her it was fine. But if you ask her, to this day, she will tell you that she loved staying with her family, but she hated that house with everything in her.

I've never been inside the house, but Mom has driven me by it several times. Someone lives there right now and I've often wondered if they have had any chilling experiences like my Mom's.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Today's Spook Stories

Now that we've been to Ohio, lets go back down South and back to Kentucky.

While I was writing stories about my house I realized I had forgotten a few. So I thought I would share a couple more about the haints that populate my little stretch of the county.

Lest you think its only the over-active imaginations of my Mother and me that witnesses these spectral occurrences, let me tell you a little story about my Mamaw Mae.

The Disappearing Strangers:

When I was a little girl my Mamaw used to babysit me while my parents were at work. I suppose I was five or six at the time but I remember the day clearly. I was in the living room of her trailer watching cartoons and playing with my dolls when she came in and said, "April, come out here and tell me who these men are." When I got to the porch I didn't see anyone but my Dad. He was sitting in his truck and about to pull out down the road. I told Mamaw this. She said, "But who are the men with him? Don't you see them?" No. I didn't.

Later that evening when Mom and Dad came in, Mamaw told them about it. Apparently she had been out on the porch when Daddy came in for his lunch. She said when he got out of his truck, two men got out with him. One went in the house with him and the other went around the corner of the house and out of site. Mamaw asked Dad about it, but he said he didn't have anyone with him when he came in for lunch.

In her later years my Mamaw suffered from Alzheimer's, but at this point, she was as healthy and competent as anyone else. So she wasn't having some dementia induced hallucination, yet she still stood by seeing those men with my Dad that day.

Other Places:

My house isn't the only home with its fair share of things that go bump in the night. Out the road from my house is where my Uncle lives and where his children were raised.

One Summer we had a pool out in the front yard of this house and my Mom and my Uncle's then-wife were outside cleaning it out while I played inside with my cousin Bridgette. Mom told me she would yell at me when it was time to go, so when Bridgette and I heard my name being called, we figured it was time for me to leave. I packed up my toys and ran outside only to discover that Mom and Kay were still cleaning the pool. No one had yelled at me, yet me and Bridge both heard it. I refused to go back inside the house until Bridgette came to the door to get me.

Not long after that day was the infamous day that Bridgette saw the girl in the mirror. While she was getting ready for school one morning she decided to check her hair and makeup one last time before getting on the bus and when she stepped back into the bathroom, instead of seeing her own reflection in the mirror, she saw the face of some other girl. It scared her pretty badly as I recall.

That wasn't the first time the girl had been seen however. Once when I was a toddler my parents stopped out at my Uncle's house one night to deliver some now forgotten message. When they pulled up and beeped, they seen a girl (they thought it was Bridgette) come to the window and look out, before disappearing behind the curtain. Thinking that Bridgette must have just been scared and didn't recognize the car, Dad got out and knocked on the door. No one ever answered. The next day he told my Uncle about and apologized if he had scared Bridgette or anything. Douglas told him, "Well, I don't know who you seen, but it wasn't Bridgette. We were all gone last night. No one was here when you stopped by."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Today's Stories


Now that we've talked a bit about my own home (which we'll come back to soon enough), lets take a little trip up North to a small town in rural Ohio. Years ago some of my family members headed North for work. My Uncle Clayton and his family ended up renting a beautiful brick home built in the 1800s. It set off the road about 1/2 mile or so down a really rough dirt road. You couldn't reach the house in the winter (or even in really rainy weather) unless you had a four-wheel drive because the road wasn't gravel or paved. Just dirt. Later, when I would go help my Dad work in the woods, I would associate every logging road I saw with that same road leading to Clayton and Daphne's house; that's how rough a road it was. You couldn't see the house from the main highway because it was surrounded by tall beautiful trees and fields full or corn and soybeans. Needless to say, it was fairly secluded. Seclusion would have been nice if the house itself wasn't so terrifying.

Never in my life have I had such a chilling feeling from a house. I believe it was Stephen King that once wrote "some places are just born bad" and this was one of those places. Don't get me wrong, I have great memories from there. So great in fact, that every fall I get the strongest urge to pack up my things and head North for a few days. In my childhood, at least once or twice a year before cold weather set in, my parents and I would load up and drive to Ohio to visit with family (I also have other family members that still live in Ohio, although these aren't the ones that lived in this particular house) and deliver wood or coal for the winter months to Clayton and his family.

What I remember from my weekends spent in Ohio include family board games, big breakfast meals, tag football in the front yard, cartoons, playing with dolls, and many, many more happy memories. Of course I also remember not sleeping at night, avoiding going to the bathroom at all costs, avoiding certain rooms in that old brick home, and staying glued to my Mommy whenever I was inside. Nothing out of the ordinary ever happened to me there...well, one minor thing, but it could or could not have been an over-active imagination and since it happened on my very last visit to the house, it wasn't something I worried too much about.

As far as I know, the children that grew up in that house (my cousins) all had happy childhoods while there. Sure it was haunted and they each have their own stories to tell, but overall, it was a normal childhood out in the country. But the house itself and the surrounding property were always a little "off". You could tell it as soon as you pulled up in the drive-way. It felt like someone was watching you while you were out in the front yard. On more than one occasion I was sure if I looked up into the top floor windows I would see someone looking down at me. Someone that shouldn't be there. The house was so old, that it didn't have a bathroom inside. Instead you went to the back of the house to the edge of the woods and used an outhouse. All this meant to me was that I would NOT be using the bathroom after dark. Even through the day I refused to go to the outhouse by myself. I was used to woods and I had used an outhouse before, but I was terribly uncomfortable being at the back of that house by myself. I wasn't the only one either.

Sadly the house is no longer there. After the children were grown and Clayton and Daphne retired and especially when Clayton got sick, everyone moved back to Kentucky. Shortly after they moved, the owner of the property had the house torn down. I'm not sure why. Maybe he just didn't want to do any upkeep or repairs on a house that was that old, but I have always thought it was because he was afraid. He had heard the stories after all, and to be honest, I have never known of anyone that didn't get creeped out by the house.

The history of the house is something that I am not very familiar with. It was built in the 1800s (like I said) and had been a part of the Underground Railroad at one point. There was a barn on the property as well. Before I was born, there had been an even older white house across the field and it had been very, very actively haunted (I'm talking things flying through the air and whatnot. So bad in fact that they eventually tore it down because no one would live in it.). The house was two and 1/2 stories and I think there might have been a basement, although I'm not quite sure. The first floor housed the living room, master bedroom, kitchen and dining room. The upstairs was two rooms which were used as bedrooms for the kids. The 1/2 story was in the upstairs bedroom. Beside an upstairs window was a little bitty door that led back into a storage area. I consider this to be 1/2 story because there was a small set of steps you had to climb in order to get to the door.

This brings us to our stories...finally. There are a lot of spooky tales from the house, but I'm going to share my two favorites.

Three Knocks:
The little door I mentioned earlier was kept locked. Back when my cousins were still small children, Clayton and Daphne kept the door locked and the key put away because they had some things stored in that area. In other words, there was no need for the kids to be playing inside the storage compartment.

One day, my cousins Janice and Helen (sisters) were playing house in their bedroom. Helen walked up the little steps and knocked on the little door, pretending that it was the front door to Janice's house.

From the other side of the door, came three knocks.

Needless to say the girls quickly evacuated the bedroom. No one was on the other side of the door. The door was locked. So who knocked back?

That story used to scare me the most because I always had to sleep in that bedroom when I came to visit. I made sure that my back was never turned to that creepy little door. God only knew what lived behind its locks.

The People Down the Lane:
This is a story that my cousin Janice will rarely talk about it. She doesn't like to relive it even though it happened well over thirty years ago.

She was outside playing in the front yard as a child and she had walked down to the end of her sidewalk and into the drive way when she happened to glance up the road and saw two people walking down the lane toward the house. One was a man and the other a young girl.

Thinking they were people she knew, she took off running towards them, waving happily and calling out their names. As she got closer she could tell that they were dressed "funny", wearing "old fashioned" clothes. As she got even closer she was frozen in fear at what she saw.

They looked like normal people but their eyes were completely black. Not unlike my own Lady in White, she could tell they weren't exactly transparent, but they weren't completely solid either. The thing that scared her the most though was the black eyes. There were no pupils, no whites, just complete darkness.

Terrified she turned and walked steadily but fast back to her house and the safety of her mother. She said she was so afraid, that she was too afraid to run. She felt like they would hurt her if they saw her run. Daphne went out to see who she was so afraid of, but no one was there. And that was the first and last time Janice ever saw those people with the black eyes.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Home Sweet Home - Round Three

A few more stories...then we'll move on to somewhere different tomorrow. Promise.

Little Children Everywhere:

Its not just ghostly adults that haunt our property...its children too. Although we've never actually seen these children, we have heard them on occasion.

The first person to ever hear the children was my Mom (big surprise, huh?). It was Christmas Eve and everyone was out the road at Ida's for our annual Nunn Christmas Eve Shindig. Mom had come home early to do the dishes from all the yummy food she had made for the gathering. She had gathered up some old dish cloths and was going to put them in Daddy's truck so he could use them for grease rags. She took them to his truck across the road and when she shut the door she heard children talking and laughing below the hill. You know, below the hill where no one lives and out in the woods? All the kids were at Ida's and were inside because of the snow, but yet she heard them, a boy and a girl, over the hill just talking and laughing away. Needless to say, she didn't wait around outside to see who it was.

Mom never told anyone about that night until years later when I had my little run in with the children. I had taken off from school that day because I was sick. I think I was about 12 at the time. I was sleeping so nicely until the scratching under the bed started. That woke me up pretty quickly to say the least. Too afraid to throw my feet over the side of the bed (at that age I still wasn't sure there really weren't monsters under there. Come to think of it, I'm still not sure there aren't.), I just laid there paralyzed and weighing my options. That's when I heard the voices out on my front porch. It was two little kids talking and giggling. One boy. One girl. I stayed wrapped in the covers until I heard them leave, then I jumped as far as I could toward the door (careful not to let my legs get to close to where the monsters might be hiding) and ran for Ida's. When I made it out there I was still in my gown and panting for breath. I cried the whole time I told them the story. There were no children at my house. None except for me. Maybe it was a mouse under my bed, but that didn't explain the voices on the front porch. When I told Mom about it, she finally told her story about hearing the kids on Christmas Eve all those years ago.

I've not heard the children since and to my knowledge no one else has either. Maybe they were just passing through. That's happened fact, its happened with a whole group of ghosties before. Which brings me too...

The People in the TV:

Of all my haunted stories this is the one that seems to freak people out the most (well, ya know, not counting the "demon stories" but those are stories I don't like to share too often, so those won't be told here).

When I was little, I saw people in the television.That wouldn't be a problem if I were watching a show, but no, these people were only visible when the tv was turned off. I saw these people until I was around 12 or 13, then one day they just stopped showing up. Or so we thought.

The way it worked was I could be sitting on the living room couch for example and I would be in the room by myself, but when I looked into the dark tv, I saw people all around me. Some standing, some sitting, but all of them looking back at me through the tv. They never moved until I looked away, but when I would look back, there they would be again...just in a different position. It got so bad that I refused to be in the same room with the tv if it was turned off. To this day it still creeps me out, even though I no longer see the people.

At any rate, one day the tv people were there and one day they were gone. Never to be seen again, at least not by me.

Years later when we stopped talking about the tv people, my cousin Dillon came to live with us. He was around three at the time when he came to stay permanently. When he was still really small Mom used to get him to go to sleep at night by lying with him on the couch in the living room. She would turn off the lights except for the lamp and turn off the tv and see if she could get him to sleep. One day, he raised up from the couch and pointed to the tv. Mom asked him what was wrong. He said, "DaDa (cause that's what he calls her...even to this day) there is a man in the tv. He's looking at me. Make that man go away." Mom said that she immediately thought of all the stories I had told as a kid about the people in the tv and she had never believed me.

Mom asked Dillon, "How do I make him go away?" He told her, "He says that if you will go upstairs and turn on the light in April's room, he'll go away."

Mom didn't try to get him to sleep on the couch least not with the tv turned off. I don't think Dillon ever saw the man again. At least if he has, he's too macho of a teenager to tell about it now. But something must have stuck with him, because even now, at 15, he still sleeps with the tv on in his room at night.

One for the Road:

And the final story for the night and the final one about my house, is really just a simple little thing. At least this one had other witnesses.

I had been seeing a white blur going around my living room and kitchen windows at night from the time I was a small child up until I was at least 14 or so. You could never quite get a good look at whatever it was that was peeping into the house, but you could still see it clearly enough to creep you out. It started at the front door. When you noticed it there, it would move to the kitchen window, when you noticed it there, it moved to the living room window, and so on and so forth. Making a circle around the house. Figuring that it was just another ghost to add to the growing list of haints at my house, I never told anyone about it.

When I was 12 or 13 I had a sleep over and me and the girls all stayed in the living room that night. Everyone was asleep except for me and my bestie, Crystal. We sat on the couch watching tv and eating popcorn. I had noticed the white blur for awhile, but didn't say anything because I didn't want to scare Crystal or have her think I was crazy. Finally, she turned to me and said, "I know you are probably going to think I'm crazy, but I have to tell you this. I have been seeing a white thing looking in the windows all night long." Then she described exactly what I had been seeing all those times. It was scary but it was at least a comfort to know I wasn't the only one seeing it.

I told Mom about it the next day and pitched a fit until she went out and bought blinds for every window in the house. That took care of my ghostly peeping Tom. But that was years ago and the blinds are gone now. I don't know if the white thing is still there or not, because when I'm alone at night in the house, I just avoid looking at the windows altogether. Ya know, just in case.

More tomorrow!

Home Sweet Home - Round Two of Stories

The Whistler:

Now, our house isn't just haunted by one specter. Oh no, it could never be that simple! In fact, our entire road is full of ghost stories, but we'll just concentrate on the ones that have directly affected those in my own home.

The first person that I know of to ever encounter the man known as "The Whistler" was my mother. As she tells it, I was still in diapers and they hadn't been living in the white house for long. It was cold weather and Dad was out with the boys doing a little coon huntin'. Mom was left alone with wee baby me and she had decided to go on to bed. Before she tucked us in for the night she wanted to gather up some wood for the stove and the wood pile was across the road in the shed.

Not thinking anything of it, she put on her housecoat and went across the road to gather wood. While she was gathering she heard someone walking down the road towards her and whistling a little song as they walked. Our road was still gravel back then and she could hear whomever it was kicking up the gravel as he/she walked. Thinking it might be my Dad coming home and knowing he had a gun and wouldn't be able to tell it was her, she shined her flashlight his way and yelled "Ed! Its me! I'm getting some wood!" She could see his boots and the bottoms of this legs and he stopped walking when she yelled.

She went on gathering her wood when she realized that the whistling had stopped and Daddy still hadn't come over to help her gather the wood up. She shined her light back up the road. No one was there. She's a smart lady, so she dropped the wood and ran back into the house and locked the door.

Turns out, the next day when Daddy really did come home Mom found out that it obviously wasn't him she saw. In fact, it wasn't anyone. It was "The Whistler".

That's not the last time he showed up either, although that was the last time when he visibly showed himself. I had a slumber party while in high school and all the girls stayed with me out in a little camper in the front yard. As the night wore on we started hearing whistling. It would come from out the road, walk around the camper, and then go back the way it came. It did that throughout the night. When the sun rose, The Whistler finally stopped making his rounds.

Since then, I've heard The Whistler many times. Never while I'm outside thank goodness. I've heard him while getting ready for work or school. I've heard him while sitting in the living room. You just never know when you'll get to hear him whistling his little song.

A Lil' Halloween Fun

Well, I don't post on here very often anymore. I don't have the time. I used to enjoy it but ya know, with school and work and all that jazz, there just aren't enough hours in the day to sit down and type something up. Plus my life isn't really all that interesting at the moment. But in the spirit of Halloween, I thought I would share a few "true tales of terror".

Back when I had a Myspace, one Halloween I ran a contest where I wrote scary/creepy stories and people got to guess if they were true or not. The person who guessed correctly most often won a $25 gift card to Wal-Mart. A lot of the tales were true and based on serial killers (I probably have a weird and unhealthy obsession with serial killers) and Tabitha Sams was eventually declared the winner. It was actually a bigger success than I figured it would be,  but since then, I've not posted any more tales. So I thought I would share some with ya'll from now until Halloween.

I have to admit, I'm stealing this idea from another blogger (who has a much better blog than mine...complete with cool music and great photos) but it was such a neat idea I couldn't help but to steal it. I hope she can forgive me (and I hope you all check out her blog too. This is the link to her Facebook page: ).

Now I will put in a little caveat here: The stories I will tell are all true. Meaning, either I experienced them personally or they were told to me by people I trust to tell me the truth about such things. I'd like to tell you that I'm "not at all superstitious" because that just sounds so darn mature, but that would be a lie. And I'm honest to a fault (it gets me in trouble sometimes in fact). I'm like Pinocchio, if I lie, you know it. Plus, I'm a believer in most things paranormal and metaphysical (I blame this on my Mother, who used to lovingly dress like a witch at different times throughout the year and chase me around the house, told me scary stories for bedtime stories, and would let me stay up until midnight to watch horror movies on late-night tv with her when I was a child). I believe in life after death...whatever that may be. For lack of a better word, we'll call these "ghost" stories, although I'm not sure that "ghost" is a really good definition of some of the spooky things I'll post, but we'll leave it at that.

Now you are more than welcome not to believe anything I say. In fact, you can think I'm foolish or childish and I'll be the first to admit I have always had a big imagination. You can even offer me scientific explanations of the things I've seen, heard, and felt or that others have told me about their experiences. Its all fine and good. But please be respectful, these are my beliefs and experiences and I would be respectful if it were you.

P.S. I realize that I work full-time and pull nine hours of Grad school and this could possibly make me a little crazy, but I assure you, I am not crazy. (Isn't that what all the crazy people say?) Weird, maybe, but not crazy.

Now, lets get started...

My Home Sweet Home:

First in line for the "boogery" tales treatment is the house I grew up in. Technically, its NOT the house I grew up in. When I was born my parents lived in a trailer behind my Mamaw Mae's old white farm house, but pretty soon after my Mom pooped me out, Mamaw decided to switch homes with us, so we packed up our few belongings and moved into the white house. I don't remember moving in (I was an infant after  all) but I have fond memories of the white house as I was growing up. Things being as they are, the house soon began to show its age and started falling apart on us, so we briefly moved into a two room "shack" across the road,\ while we had a new house built in the same spot as the white house. That's the house I lived in from around age five until I moved into my Mamaw Mae's other house...this one beside my parents' home. Now there are plenty of stories around the white house, but we'll get to those later...maybe. For now, we'll concentrate on the house I grew up in and the one my parents and brother currently live in.

The Lady in White:

My first "experience" with the otherworldly came courtesy of "The Lady in White" (as she will forever be called). I was about nine and it was a bright, beautiful Saturday morning in the summer. I was sitting in the living room watching cartoons while Mom fixed breakfast. At the time, the kitchen and the living room were side by side, separated only by a wall that had a nice little counter cut out in it. To the left was the front door, to the right was a small hallway where the bedrooms were located. From my perch on the couch I could see both my bedroom door and my parents' bedroom door. Both doors were closed because a.) Dad was still asleep and b.) I've always had this weird habit of closing doors, it bugs me when they are open.

While I watched Bugs Bunny something caught my eye and I turned to look down the hall. While I watched, this woman came out of my bedroom, looked at me, and then went into my Dad's bedroom. It took a second to register in my nine year old brain what had just happened. Mom was in the kitchen. Dad was asleep (and obviously not a woman). And we were the only people in the house. So who was that lady?! I clearly remember what she looked like. She was all white and semi-transparent...not that I could see through her exactly, but she wasn't quite solid like normal people. She had long hair that was hanging loosely down her back and she was wearing a long dress that came to her ankles. I don't really remember seeing feet at all and she didn't walk...she floated. Needless to say, I was pretty darn upset! I jumped off the couch, ran into the kitchen and glued myself to my mothers leg while I cried and rambled on and on about "the lady in white".

I've not seen her since. That doesn't mean she's gone though.

Mom saw her once not too long ago. At the time I had a long white gown and if you know me well enough, you know I wear my p.j.s to do just about everything in when I'm at home. So I had gone outside one Saturday morning to feed the critters. I was wearing that white gown. Mom was in the kitchen on the phone. While she was talking to her sister, I came back in the front door and walked back into the hall and into my bedroom. Realizing she had something important to ask me, she yelled out my name. When I didn't answer she got mad and walked into the dining room (which used to be the living room before we built onto the house) to hunt me down. Just as she was walking to the bedroom, I came in the front door.

That's right. I had been outside the whole time. She had seen the lady in white come into the house and only thought it was me.

Now Mom and I have a good hearty love of all things scary, so you may think we are just suffering from a good old fashioned case of over-active imagination syndrome, but my Dad is a very practical man. Its not that he doesn't believe in such things, its just that he chooses to ignore the things that go bump in the night. That doesn't mean they ignore him.

Years after my first encounter with our lady, he was talking to Mom about it and she had commented on how she had never really believed my story from when I was nine until she had seen the woman for herself. Dad told her, "Well, I always believed her, because I've seen that woman too." See, when I was younger, I would sometimes get creeped out in the middle of the night (for obvious reasons) and was afraid to sleep in my bedroom by myself. So on occasion, my Mom would pull a mattress into my bedroom floor and sleep in my floor until I could get to sleep (one of the benefits of being at only child at the time, was that I was extremely spoiled when it came to extra attention). Dad told her that on several occasions on those nights, he would wake up to see a woman standing at his bedroom door looking at him. He thought it was Mom and he would call out her name, but she never answered. He would get afraid that something was wrong and get out of bed to go find out what the problem was. Only, when he opened my bedroom door, there Mom would be deep asleep on her mattress. So on the nights when Mom wasn't in the bed, the lady in white would pay Dad a visit. He said it never really scared him, just made him mad that she had woke him up. ;-)

Since then, I don't think anyone has seen her much. She's still there though. From time to time you will hear her walking through the house at night. True, it could just be the house settling, but its a different sound from that. Its especially apparent when you sleep up stairs and you can hear her walking up the steps...something I do NOT miss about living in that house, since my bedroom was the only room upstairs. One morning while I was in high school, Mom and I were in the bathroom getting ready for work and school. The bathroom door was shut and Mom and I were idly chit-chatting about whatever was on our minds, when we heard the floor squeak in the hall. We thought Dad had gotten up early and needed in the bathroom (a really annoying habit the males in our household seem to have whenever we are trying to get ready to go somewhere - go figure). But we quickly realized it wasn't Dad when we heard what sounded like a full skirt go swishing by the door and towards the front door. We just gave each other a look and a shrug and went on about our business. We figured maybe the lady in white needed to go somewhere too.

That's enough for this one. I'll post a few more about my house later tonight. Until then, enjoy this one. :-)